HomeGastronomyWhere Does Vanilla Come From?  

Where Does Vanilla Come From?  

Vanilla is an orchid native to Mexico that is now internationally recognized for its incredible aroma, flavor and benefits.  


Nowadays, we can find vanilla present in several recipes, from drinks, traditional desserts to aromatherapy uses. This ingredient is so versatile that it is currently recognized worldwide as one of the greatest gifts that Mexico has given to the world. Keep reading and discover the origin of this important product!  


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In which Mexican states is Vanilla produced?  


Vanilla has its origin in Mexico, specifically in the region of the Sierra Madre del Sur, in the state of Oaxaca, as well as part of the states of Chiapas, Veracruz and the south of Quintana Roo.  

This is because in pre-Hispanic times, the Mesoamerican peoples who inhabited the region, discovered the wonders that this orchid could provide to improve the flavor of cocoa.  

Such was their admiration for its flavor that they developed exclusive cultivation techniques to be able to have this fruit available at any time.  

Currently, the city of Papantlá, Veracruz is known as the heart of vanilla, since in this region there is an abundant production, product of the warm and humid ecosystem.  


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Curiosities about the Origin of Mexican Vanilla  


Below, we list 5 curiosities about Mexican vanilla and its production, that you may not know:  

  1. There are more than 100 species of vanilla distributed throughout the world, however, the original vanilla, or better known as Vanilla planifolia, is found in Mexico.  
  1. In the Totonaca language, vanilla was also known as Xanath, which means “black flower”. 
  1. Vanilla Day is celebrated every year on December 20, a tradition that began in 2022.  
  1. The vanilla seed harvesting season takes place during the month of December until February, period in which the vanilla seeds change from green to golden color.  
  1. Nowadays, vanilla can be found in different presentations, from seeds, to liquid extracts, powder, sugar and more.  


Where to buy 100% Natural Mexican Vanilla?  


If you are looking for a 100% Natural Vanilla extract, you are in the right place. Vainilla Los Cinco Soles, is a natural Mexican vanilla extract, made with the highest quality standards, following an artisanal production process and manual selection of the best vanilla seeds.  

With Los Cinco Soles Vanilla, give a unique touch to your recipes! Get it here! 


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